Shadow DOM

Shadow DOM

Our team was tasked to create an embeddable script (widget) that displays functionality from our web application. When released to the public however, we found that the interface was not looking right in some cases. It turned out that some pages that embedded our script was able to affect the styles of our widget with its own CSS declarations.

Our resident front-end guru recommended that we use the Shadow DOM for the widget implementation. This will essentially shield our widget’s styles from being overridden by the page that embedded it. I have not used Shadow DOM previously so this piqued my curiosity. Back in the day, we would use iframes to implement something like this. Continue Reading

Be Irrational

Human beings are rational animals. Our scientific name, Homo Sapiens, literally means “thinking man”. Being a logical thinker is part of who we are. An irrational human conveys something negative in our minds.

We think logically in order to solve problems. To make this complex world easier to understand, we label things in black or white instead of different shades of the same spectrum. Continue Reading

How to get more time

How to get more time

More than seven years ago, I wrote my experience about the mirage of free time. In that story, I thought I had all the time in the world to do the things I needed to do, but I basically did nothing in the end. It was a confounding paradox that always proved true from my experience then on.

I find that the more my day is restricted, the more I was able to do the things I needed to do. And the more the day is laid out for me like a blank canvas, the less productive I become. Continue Reading

Digital Hoarding

Digital Hoarding

If you have watched an episode of Hoarders, you may not believe that someone is capable of accumulating that much stuff, let alone live with it. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often associated with this behavior, and so hoarding disorders are considered a mental health condition.

While we are quick to judge the people in the show who seem irrational in their quest to accumulate junk, we fail to realize that we are the same. But instead of things piling up in our homes, we have piles of digital junk everywhere. Perhaps you are one of these digital hoarders? Continue Reading