True Friends

True Friends

Friends are the spice of life. They are our rampart in times of distress, the confidante to our innermost thoughts, and reinforces us in times of weakness. Of all the people we know throughout life, there are only a few that fits the bill. An even rarer find are your true friends; those that do not leave you even when things get really tough.

What makes someone a friend? How do they stand out from the rest of our acquaintances? Seneca, in his letter On True and False Friendship said that the crucial element is trust. Continue Reading

Everywhere Means Nowhere

Everywhere Means Nowhere

It has been said that life is short. As we only have limited time on this earth, we should experience as many things as possible. No one knows when their last day will be. Maybe today, perhaps tomorrow, or many years into the future. So we try to live in the fast track, determined to experience life through the windows of a speeding train. Having enough is something we don’t consider.

We love to dine at an eat-all-you-can buffet. Ordering a dessert sampler instead of individual pieces. Traveling with a jam-packed itinerary. These are the things we do in order to take that “shortcut” of experiences. Instead of having to experience them one at a time, we now have the option of trying everything at once. Continue Reading

I would rather be ashes than dust!

I would rather be ashes than dust!

James climbed up the ladder until he reached the top of the bunker. He just called in a missile strike to his location in order to destroy this virus laboratory. He knew it would be the end. After saying goodbye to his loved ones, he looked at the vast and beautiful ocean for one last time, and accepted his final fate.

After hearing the news of his death, his colleagues gave him a final toast with these words: Continue Reading

Life Concepts

Life Concepts

As I add another digit to my life’s marker this month, sometimes I can’t help but look back and check to see if I have really grown worthy of my age. I found that through several trials and heartaches these past year, what helped me the most are the things I learned exploring and reading about personal philosophy.

These are some concepts that I find worthy of sharing to everyone. As they only touch the general idea behind each concept, I will leave it to the reader to decide whether they are ideas worth looking deeper into. Continue Reading

Path of Least Regret

As we live and get older, we learn a lot of things about life. Good and bad experiences serve us lessons and make us more equipped when dealing with our unpredictable future. We can also tap other people’s experiences to open us to new ideas. These thoughts were highlighted one day when my wife said that she appreciated my calm demeanor even though things are not going well. While I am not always like this, when I think about it, I attribute this behavior to one principle: living life on the path of least regret.

Choosing the easiest path versus the path of least regret
Which path does not make my feet hurt?

In electronic theory, we have something called the path of least resistance. Generally, most of the electric current will flow in the path where the resistance is lowest. In the outside world, people will tend to choose things that are easiest for them to do. When choosing a trail to a destination, many choose the path that looks easier and quicker to traverse. Continue Reading