What Is My Alternative?

What Is My Alternative?

Is there a time in your life when you feel stuck? The days go by like yesterday, and tomorrow looks to be the same as today. It seems like an endless grind with no light at the end of it. But can you do something different? Can you change your situation? Ask yourself the question, what is my alternative path?

Being stuck means that there are no open paths moving forward. They are either closed off or you can’t even see them. At this point, there are three actions you can take: Continue Reading

Paralyzed Perfectionist

Paralyzed Perfectionist

Suppose I were to give you a key ring with a hundred keys, and I were to tell you that one of these keys will unlock it, this door we’re imagining opening in onto all you want to be, as a player. How many of the keys would you be willing to try?

David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest

If there is a key that will unlock your true potential and unleash your gift to the world, would you use it? Of course, anyone with common sense would try to. But what if it came at a cost? What if, in order to unlock it, first you have to experience failure, not just once, not twice, but most of the time? Continue Reading

Choose Life

Choose Life

The world is a much smaller place than it was decades ago, and instant, worldwide communication is easier than before. Opportunities are now open for people all over the world. One of the unintended consequences though is its effect on our mental health. Stress and anxiety levels are high not just in adults, but increasingly in younger people as well.

One serious consequence of this stress is a phenomenon called burnout. In this state, you feel constantly exhausted, lack all motivation to work or think, and constantly experience negative feelings or emotions. This is the result when stress and anxiety isn’t managed or relieved over a period of time. Continue Reading



We are all familiar with scars: remnants of some event in the past that left a mark in the present. There are physical scars: from that time you fell from your bike, or when you got burned after accidentally touching the oven. Sometimes, it is also psychological. When someone you trust betrays you in the end. Hearing vitriol from others that is directed at you.

Whether manifesting physically or psychologically, all scars have this in common: they affect our conscious and subconscious behavior from that moment on. Continue Reading