Should you take an online course?

Should you take an online course?

The internet can be used as an effective learning platform, usually done through an online course. One of the most commonly-touted advantages of an online course is convenience and accessibility. The ability to study a material in your own time at any place sounds amazing indeed!

I enrolled in an online course offered by the University of California, Berkeley called Foundations of Data Science. This is an actual university course that they converted into an online course format. As the topic of data science interests me, I decided to give it a shot. Continue Reading

Do what you don’t want to do

Do what you don’t want to do

I learned a trick in life, and that is to do what you don’t want to do. Picture this: you wake up one morning and its time to go to the gym. You look outside and saw that it is raining hard. The air is cool and you want to go back to sleep. Finally you decide that you don’t feel like going out right now and you will just go tomorrow. Sounds familiar?

What you don’t want to do

We all experience times when we plan to do something but a minor inconvenience happens and we suddenly feel like no longer doing it. Oftentimes not doing the things we plan does not affect our life significantly. But it may influence how we view obstacles in the future. Continue Reading

Keep Moving

Keep Moving

One night after a few bottles of beer, a friend asked me about finding your passion or mission in life: “Do you search for it or does it just stumble towards you one day?“. I said to him that I think it will eventually stumble on you, but in order for this to happen, you need to keep moving.

Where are you are going?

Steve Jobs once said in a speech: Continue Reading

Live in Day-tight Compartments

Live in Day-tight Compartments

After reading Dale Carnegie’s book How to stop worrying and start living, one concept stuck with me in the end: learning how to live in day-tight compartments. This is one of the main concepts discussed in the book that enables us to reduce worrying. However I think this can be used in a wider scope than just a remedy to worry.

Dale Carnegie is also the author of one of my most recommended books, How to win friends and influence people. So when I found out that he also wrote a book about worrying and anxiety, I knew that I am going to learn a lot. The concept of living in day-tight compartments was actually discussed in the very first chapter, but this idea was the most influential for me. If you feel like you do not have the time to read the whole book (which is just an excuse), give the first chapter a chance and you will not be disappointed. Continue Reading

Why I finally decided to use a Password Manager

Why I finally decided to use a Password Manager

For quite some time now I had been hesitant to use a password manager. Even though I knew that it is a security best practice, I feel that entrusting all your passwords to one program or organization is scary. This feeling changed recently amid increasing occurrence of data breaches and the amount of data that is being divulged. These events and reflecting how I actually use passwords finally drove me to install and use a password manager.

Password managers are programs that store your passwords in a secure and encrypted format. They also provide tools such as random password generators to make it easier for you to generate secure passwords. These programs can be installed locally in your computer or in the cloud and accessed through the internet. Continue Reading