You need a PERA

You need a PERA

In 2008, the Personal Equity and Retirement Account (PERA) Law was signed in the Philippines. Eight years later, there was still no progress on the actual implementation until September of 2016 when BDO was accredited as the first PERA Administrator.

Retirement Accounts

Retirement accounts are usually set up by a government in order to encourage its citizens to save money in the long term. One major benefit for the government to do this is that it tones down government-sponsored pension expenses and so effectively reduces the amount of money needed to support their retired population. One drawback for this is that citizens are now being asked to manage their own retirements instead of relying on the government or the businesses that they are employed in to handle those investments. It is therefore important for everyone to educate themselves on the advantages and benefits in properly managing their retirement accounts. Continue Reading

Recommended Personal Finance Podcasts

Podcasts are a great way to consume content. It allows you to multitask by enabling you to increase your knowledge while doing manual, repetitive tasks. Personally I listen to podcasts while washing dishes, cleaning baby bottles, or while cleaning the house. This makes sure that I continue my learning and make those seemingly tedious tasks more “productive”.

There are many personal finance podcasts out there, but here are the ones that stood out with me. This list may be updated in the future as I am exposed to more podcasts. Continue Reading

3 Steps to Building Wealth

All of us want to have a prosperous life. A life where all our needs and the needs of our loved ones are met, and a life where we can pursue our purpose and dreams without worrying about the basics needs of every day. Pursuing this kind of life starts with simple steps where you build, accumulate, and grow your wealth.

There are already many books, videos, and articles that show you how to build wealth. Here I will give my own take on this subject matter, which I believe is condensed into three steps: Continue Reading

A Man With Savings

This a print ad by the American company First Federal Savings back in 1963, encouraging people to save money in their bank. Although created more than 50 years ago, its message still resonates and remains valuable up to this day and age.

A Man With Savings

Your savings, believe it or not, affect the way you stand, the way you walk, the tone of your voice. In short, your physical well-being and self-confidence. A man without savings is always running. He must. He must take the first job offered, or nearly so. He sits nervously on life’s chairs because any small emergency throws him into the hands of others. Continue Reading

A Financial Independence Primer

This blog has a tagline Tech and Financial Independence, but so far I have only posted tech and programming-related articles. Over the next months this blog will focus on the Financial Independence part of the equation.

What is Financial Independence?

Financial independence (referred to as FI in the community) is the state in which you no longer need to work for money. That is, your current assets (money, investments, businesses, etc) are enough to sustain your cost of living until the end of your life. Continue Reading