Choose Life

Choose Life

The world is a much smaller place than it was decades ago, and instant, worldwide communication is easier than before. Opportunities are now open for people all over the world. One of the unintended consequences though is its effect on our mental health. Stress and anxiety levels are high not just in adults, but increasingly in younger people as well.

One serious consequence of this stress is a phenomenon called burnout. In this state, you feel constantly exhausted, lack all motivation to work or think, and constantly experience negative feelings or emotions. This is the result when stress and anxiety isn’t managed or relieved over a period of time. Continue Reading



We are all familiar with scars: remnants of some event in the past that left a mark in the present. There are physical scars: from that time you fell from your bike, or when you got burned after accidentally touching the oven. Sometimes, it is also psychological. When someone you trust betrays you in the end. Hearing vitriol from others that is directed at you.

Whether manifesting physically or psychologically, all scars have this in common: they affect our conscious and subconscious behavior from that moment on. Continue Reading

The One Hour Poem

The One Hour Poem

I’ll be expecting your poem tomorrow, ok?”, my friend said to me as we left the room for the night. This was a big night for him: he is going to be married tomorrow.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the best man at the wedding wasn’t able to attend. A week prior to this night, the groom messaged me and said he wanted me to become the best man instead. It was an honor, and of course I obliged. Continue Reading

Introduction to Book Recommendations

Introduction to Book Recommendations

I have been listening to audiobooks and podcasts for a decade now. While I still buy books when I get the chance, most of the content I consume are on those formats.

What I love about audio content is its portability: it enables me to perform other tasks while listening to it. Between work and responsibilities at home, I often find it difficult to make time to just sit down and read a good book. Continue Reading