Hello Rails 6!

Hello Rails 6!

Rails 6 was just released last month (August 2019). I have been using Rails professionally for more than a decade now, starting from Rails 2. Having worked on version 2 up to 5, this latest release is an exciting moment for me.

The full release notes are available here, but we will touch on some of the more notable changes and improvements that make Rails 6 a nice major version upgrade. Continue Reading

Rubyist’s intro to Python web development

I have been using Ruby professionally for more than a decade now. Until recently, I haven’t explored much outside of the Ruby and Rails community. That changed however after I completed a course in Foundations of Data Science. This made me curious about Python and how to build applications using it.

Python and Ruby have many similarities. Both are interpreted, high-level programming languages. Python also has support for Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming. In terms of syntax, they have a similar look and feel, aside from some fundamental differences such as Python being indent-driven. Continue Reading

Rubocop + vim

Rubocop + vim

Code linters such as Rubocop ensure consistent, clean code throughout your application. If all developers are using the same linter configuration, then you can be sure that any code that you encounter is organized in the same way regardless of the author.

One challenge in using linters is that it should have immediate feedback, or else it may disrupt the coding flow of the user. For example, you can run the linter manually after you make your changes, but as this is a manual process it can be easily forgotten. Continue Reading

DelayedJob Survival Guide

DelayedJob Survival Guide

One day at work I noticed that emails were taking much longer to be sent out from our app. I narrowed down the problem to our background queue which is responsible for sending out the emails. The solution prompted me to write this DelayedJob “survival guide”to help others who may encounter this issue in the future.

Asynchronous processing/background processing is an important part of a web application. This ensures that running code is not blocking the rest of the process if that code does not need to run synchronously. Common examples are sending emails or code that depends on a third-party API or service.

There are many solutions for this, such as Redis-backed programs like Sidekiq or Resque. There are also database-backed programs like DelayedJob. The advantage of using a database-backed solution is its simplicity: you don’t need an external dependency (such as Redis) to run it. Instead, you can use your existing database to manage your background processing.

This simplicity also has a disadvantage: you are now constrained by your database and database issues can directly affect your background processing.

The Problem

We had a new feature which required processing old data in the system. This uses the background queue as it takes a few seconds to process each individual task. Eventually these tasks accumulated, resulting in more than half a million jobs in the DelayedJob queue.

As I noticed that the queue is not getting processed as fast as I expected, I looked at the database logs. In the MySQL slow query logs, I noticed that almost all entries look like this:
UPDATE delayed_jobs
SET `delayed_jobs`.`locked_at` = '2018-06-05 11:48:28',
`delayed_jobs`.`locked_by` = 'delayed_job.2 host:ip-10-203-174-216 pid:3226'
WHERE ((run_at <= '2018-06-05 11:48:28'
AND (locked_at IS NULL OR locked_at < '2018-06-05 07:48:28') OR locked_by = 'delayed_job.2 host:ip-10-203-174-216 pid:3226')
AND failed_at IS NULL)
ORDER BY priority ASC, run_at ASC
DelayedJob updates the locking information (timestamp and PID) when processing jobs. However, this UPDATE call in the database does not use the index in the table, at least for old MySQL versions (5.6 or below). As the number of entries in the queue increases, this UPDATE call becomes much slower.

This is the problem with database-backed asynchronous queues: the database is used both as a state manager and the queue storage/retrieval, resulting in locking.

Emergency Processing

Since the queue processing is becoming really slow, some critical tasks were not being performed. Thus we needed to run some jobs manually (using the Ruby/Rails console). We can invoke a DelayedJob worker manually using this command:


However, we may want to run all tasks in a given queue, let’s say the important_queue. We can query the database for all tasks under the queue and invoke the worker manually for each:

Delayed::Job.where(queue: "important_queue").find_each do |dj|

In this manner we were able to quickly resolve some critical tasks that needed to be run immediately. However, this is not a scalable solution as everything is done manually. This also won’t solve the problem of having hundreds of thousands of tasks in the backlog.

Queue “Storage”

Searching the internet, I found that there were others who also encountered this problem. Their solution was documented here and here. The main gist of the solution is to temporarily remove most (or all) of the items in the delayed_jobs table into a separate table to “unclog” the background queue.

In this example, we will create a new table called delayed_jobs_storage with the same columns as the original delayed_jobs table. The examples also assume we are using MySQL as our database:

CREATE TABLE delayed_jobs_storage LIKE delayed_jobs;

Once the “storage” table has been created, we can now move the jobs into that new table. In this example, we will limit the query to only move jobs that are under the huge_queue queue.

INSERT INTO delayed_jobs_storage (SELECT * FROM delayed_jobs WHERE queue='huge_queue');

Then we remove the jobs that we moved from the original delayed_jobs table:

DELETE FROM delayed_jobs WHERE queue='huge_queue';

At this point, the background processing speed returns to normal as the size of the table is now greatly reduced. The next step is to gradually move back some jobs from the delayed_jobs_storage table into the delayed_jobs table so they are processed.

This involves some trial and error as we want to determine the optimal number of jobs that we can transfer. We want it so that we can move the largest amount of jobs without slowing down the queue. In my experiment, I determined that we can transfer up to around 100k jobs back to the queue without impacting the performance.

To move the first 100k jobs back into the delayed_jobs table:

INSERT INTO delayed_jobs (SELECT * FROM delayed_jobs_storage ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 100000);

Then we need to remove those jobs from our “storage” table:

DELETE FROM delayed_jobs_storage ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 100000;

We wait until all the jobs have been processed and the queue goes back to its minimal state. After which we repeat the process again until all of the jobs stored in delayed_jobs_storage have been moved back to the delayed_jobs table.


While this workaround will get you out of a bind when your backround queue is clogged, it is not a long-term solution. As much as possible we want to avoid this scenario happening in the first place!

Here are some ideas that you can implement:

  • Analyze each background job to see areas of optimization. If the code that is running in a job is not optimized, it will run slower and will consume more resources. Check your database queries and your code performance to make sure they are running as fast as possible. For example, add table indexes and remove N+1 queries.
  • Reorganize how you add jobs to the background queue. Sometimes we just add tasks to the queue without thinking about how it impacts the rest of the jobs. Can you make your code add less to the queue by removing redundancy? Does combining smaller jobs into a larger job make sense? Are longer-running jobs of lower priority than faster ones?
  • Consider moving to a Redis-based solution such as Sidekiq. This will make sure that your dependency to your main database is eliminated and allows you to use a separate (and more efficient) storage of your background jobs.

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash


Late-to-the-party guide to Vim and Tmux

Late-to-the-party guide to Vim and Tmux

In my first job we used Emacs as our main text editor. However, I have no idea how to use it properly so I just used it more like Notepad++ than Emacs. In our team there is one person who refused to use Emacs, instead he was using vi (without the m!). To be honest, it looked painful watching him edit code with no syntax highlighting, no line numbers, and no plugins whatsoever. We tried constantly to convince him to use Emacs but he always refused and stuck to using vi. I thought the guy was crazy.

Fast forward 12 years in my career. I was attending a Ruby conference with my peers and one of the speakers (Brad Urani) demonstrated zshell, vim, and tmux and how he does development in his machine. It looked cool! Some of my peers also uses vim and tmux so its not a new concept to me, however I always decided to use gedit all these years. This time, they probably thought I was crazy.

After the conference I finally decided to jump to the other side. I will no longer use any text editor or IDE for programming and will force myself to use vim exclusively. I also decided to use tmux instead of relying on the guake terminal for more awesomeness.

After two months, am I very pleased with the results: I now have my development environment set up using zshell, vim, and tmux and all the tools that I used to have before have been configured to work on vim. As I feel like I am years (maybe decades) late to the party, here is a simple guide I wrote to help people like me who want to dive head-first into vim and tmux.


This step is not really required to use Vim and Tmux, but it is recommended due to several improvements and plugins that you can use to improve your development environment.

In this guide, I will be using Ubuntu (or other Debian based systems) so I can be lazy and just install it using the package manager:

sudo apt-get install zsh

You can also check the version of the zshell installed to make sure its compatible with the plugins you want to use later on:

zsh --version

Once zshell has been installed, we will want to make it our default shell (instead of let’s say bash). This will make your system use zshell when you invoke the terminal or the command line.

chsh -s $(which zsh)

When you load zshell for the first time, it needs to be configured first and it will prompt you on how to do the initial configuration:

This is the Z Shell configuration function for new users,
You are seeing this message because you have no zsh startup files
(the files .zshenv, .zprofile, .zshrc, .zlogin in the directory
~). This function can help you with a few settings that should
make your use of the shell easier.

You can:

(q) Quit and do nothing. The function will be run again next time.

(0) Exit, creating the file ~/.zshrc containing just a comment.
 That will prevent this function being run again.

(1) Continue to the main menu.

(2) Populate your ~/.zshrc with the configuration recommended
 by the system administrator and exit (you will need to edit
 the file by hand, if so desired).

--- Type one of the keys in parentheses --- 2

To make things simpler, we can use option (2) to auto-generate the zshell configuration file .zshrc. You can edit it later if needed.


Aliases are command shortcuts that you can use to speed up your work by allowing you to type less characters to perform common tasks. An example of an alias is this:

alias work="cd ~/Desktop/WORK"

When this alias is loaded, whenever you type work in your terminal, it will automatically go to your work folder instead of manually typing the entire command. This particular example is very simplistic, but you can create more complex aliases to suit your workflow.

In order to create aliases, we can use a common file like .aliases to store all of our aliases. This is useful so we can just load this file into a shell’s configuration file, meaning we can have the same aliases set up whenever we use bash or zshell or any other shell.

First, create a hidden file called .aliases in your home folder:

touch ~/.aliases

Edit this file as needed, adding an alias line for every alias we want to set up. Next we will load this into zshell by editing the .zshrc file that was generated in the previous step and adding this line:

source $HOME/.aliases

This will then instruct zshell to load your aliases file whenever your shell starts.


Tmux is a terminal multiplexer, which is a tool used for managing multiple separate terminal sessions inside a single session. Tmux provides an elegant way of managing multiple terminals such has text editing, SSH sessions, starting local servers, etc. Personally I find it very useful as I can switch context inside terminals very quickly using keyboard shortcuts, but it is much more powerful than that.

Before we can install tmux from source, we need to install the following dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

Then we download the tmux source code:

wget https://github.com/tmux/tmux/releases/download/2.6/tmux-2.6.tar.gz

We unpack the compressed file and go to the decompressed folder:

tar xvzf tmux-2.6.tar.gz
cd tmux-2.6

Then we build the installation and install it in our system:

./configure && make
sudo make install

We then invoke tmux using the following command:


Tmux Configuration

Just like in zshell, we can customize how tmux behaves using a file in our home directory called .tmux.conf. Here I will show you some common useful configuration to get you started quickly. These can be found in my own tmux configuration here https://github.com/marvs/dotfiles/blob/master/.tmux.conf.

The default command prefix is Ctrl+b. Now if you try it in your keyboard, its quite hard to do as you may need to use two hands to do this. This is a problem since this command is going to be used as a starting sequence for several other commands. It is therefore useful to bind this into an easier sequence (which can be done in a single hand), such as Ctrl+a.

# sets prefix to Ctrl-a
set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b

We also need to instruct tmux to load our favorite shell instead of the default system shell. In this case we will set it to zshell.

# sets shell do the default user shell
set -g default-shell /bin/zsh

Tmux can have issues displaying colors in the terminal, so we instruct it to use 256 colors. This is essential for syntax highlighting such as when using vim.

# 256 colors
set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

If you are using tmux for the first time, you will notice that you can no longer use the mouse to interact with the terminal. This may be useful as it forces you to rely on keyboard shortcuts and commands to do the things that you want. In the hands of an expert, this results in lightning-fast terminal interactions as compared to using the mouse.

However, as I am lazy I prefer to have a mouse fallback in case I get stuck in what to do next in my terminal. To do this, we can enable mouse integration (and scrolling) in tmux.

# Enable mouse integration
set -g mouse on
# Sane scrolling- I don't know how this works
set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'

One thing I immediately noticed is I can no longer copy and paste using the clipboard when the terminal is inside tmux. The solution for this is to hold the SHIFT key before selecting the text you want to copy. Then you will have your copy/paste mechanism working as it was when you are not using tmux.

Tmux scripts

One feature of tmux that I appreciated is that you can now create your tmux sessions and windows/panels programmatically using a shell script. An example of this script (that I personally use) can be found here:


Basically, what this script does is it will create 2 windows, one called CODING and one called SSH. The CODING window has only one pane as it will be mainly used for text editing. The SSH window is divided into three panes, where you can run your local servers or access remote servers.

Once tmux is set up, invoking your custom development terminal session becomes as simple as running the script:


Useful Commands

Here are some of the tmux commands/keybinds that I commonly use in my work:

  • Ctrl+a n – move to the next window (e.g from CODING to SSH)
  • Ctrl+a p – move to the previous window (e.g. from SSH to CODING)
  • Ctrl+a arrow keys – move to the top, bottom, left, or right panes
  • Ctrl+a (hold) arrow keys – resize the pane in a particular direction


Vim stands for Vi IMproved. As the name implies, vim is an improved version of the basic vi editor, enabling new ways to interact with the text, advanced plugin support, and more.

To install vim, we can use again our favorite package manager:

sudo apt-get install vim


As you may have guessed by now, vim is configured using a file called .vimrc, which also resides in your home folder. Here are some examples of useful configuration you can use:

To enable syntax highlighting:

syntax on
filetype plugin indent on

To make backspaces, tabs, and indents work like your favorite IDE:

set backspace=indent,eol,start " more powerful backspacing
set tabstop=2 " Set the default tabstop
set softtabstop=2
set shiftwidth=2 " Set the default shift width for indents
set expandtab " Make tabs into spaces (set by tabstop)
set smarttab " Smarter tab levels

Make the vim tab name the current filename (useful to get context when you have multiple tabs open):

let &titlestring = @%
set title

As a safety mechanism, vim creates swapfiles (temporary hidden files) when you edit a file. However, this can be problematic if you are using a version control system such as git as these files will be shown as newly added files. For this, you can move the swapfiles generated by vim into a directory outside your working directory:

set swapfile
set dir=~/tmp

To highlight the selections in your view when you search for it:

set hlsearch

To show line numbers:

set number


One of the best features of vim is its extensibility and customization using plugins. There are several plugin managers out there that can handle installing and configuring plugins within vim, but in this article we will use vim-plug.


To install vim-plug, just download the plug.vim file into your vim installation:

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

You can now specify the plugins in your .vimrc file, like the following:

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')

Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'tpope/vim-endwise'

call plug#end()

And then when you invoke vim, install the plugins you specified in your .vimrc file


Once you have the plugins installed, you can also configure the keyboard shortcuts to use those plugins. As an example, you can put these additional configuration in your .vimrc file:

map <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <C-f> :FZF<cr>
nnoremap <C-t> :tabe<cr>

With this configuration, I can open a file tree view using CTRL+n, do a fuzzy search using CTRL+f, and open a new tab using CRTL+t.

Make sure you only add configuration that makes sense to you! Copying other people’s configuration may or may not be helpful depending on how you want to use vim.

Final Thoughts

I have been using this setup for months now, using vim as my main editor when working with code (instead of gedit). The first week(s) are difficult as this is the time that my hands are still getting used to the keyboard shortcuts used by tmux and vim. However, once you get the hang of it, I find them enjoyable to use.

One advantage that I gained is that I no longer use my mouse or my trackpad when coding, meaning my hands no longer need to travel away from the keyboard when working.

Another advantage of this setup is that it has a tiny resource footprint compared to more popular IDEs like Atom, Sublime, or VSCode. This advantage was highlighted when I tried to use one of my netbooks to do some light coding. This netbook has limited CPU and memory, and loading an editor or an IDE in this machine results in poor performance. Setting up tmux+vim in this machine breathed new life to the machine, as everything is just running inside a terminal!

I recommend that you give this setup a try as well and see if it makes sense in your workflow. As with most things, do them not because they are popular or “cool”, but because it makes sense in your work.